

ELECTIONS for SAYLA Board of Directors

Voting for the 2024-2025 SAYLA Board of Directors will take place from May 23 through May 30, 2024, and the results will be announced on June 3, 2024.  Once the ballot is active, all current and eligible SAYLA members (Regular and Affiliate) will be able to vote online.  Voting is by secret ballot, although each member must login in order to verify his or her eligibility to vote. 

Vote Here

2024-2025 SAYLA/SAYLF Board Nominees


Ricky Clifton

Vice President

Chelsea Mikulencak


Michael McCann


Samantha Smith

Directors (listed alphabetically by last name)

Anthony Arnold

Kennedy Hatfield Asel

Will Davidson

Yahaira de Lara

Cassidi Dietz

Alex Dominguez

Michael Dominick

Gabe Elorreaga

Mallorie Falcon

Matthew Myers

Gabriel Narvaez

Hailey Nikkels

Whitney Thomas

Nikki Vega

Voters may vote for up to five individuals for the director positions. The top 5 vote recipients will each be elected to a two-year term.

Vote Here


Board of Directors Election Information

Each year, the SAYLA members who are eligible vote (Regular and Affiliate) elect the Officers and Directors who will serve for the next Board year (June 1 through May 31). Each candidate must have his or her supervisor's consent and approval of their candidacy in order to help avoid scheduling conflicts during his or her term.

Board members attend most SAYLA events for free, with the exception of the monthly CLE luncheons and the Scramble Golf Tournament.  See below for more information on the available positions.

Available positions are:

  • President-Elect
  • Vice President
  • Secretary-Elect
  • Treasurer-Elect
  • Director (5 Positions)

President-Elect.  The President-Elect shall serve on the Board of Directors during the year preceding his or her term of office as President and shall succeed the President upon expiration of the President’s term of office.  The President-Elect shall perform such duties as the President or Board of Directors may from time to time direct.

Vice President.  The Vice President shall act in the place and stead of the President in the event of the absence, vacancy or disqualification of the President, shall be Chair of the Law Day Committee and shall perform such duties as the President or Board of Directors may from time to time direct.

Secretary-Elect.  The Secretary-Elect shall serve on the Board of Directors during the year preceding his or her term of office as Secretary and shall succeed the Secretary upon expiration of the Secretary's term of office. The Secretary-Elect shall perform such other duties as the President or the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.

Treasurer-Elect.  The Treasurer-Elect shall serve on the Board of Directors during the year preceding his or her term of office as Treasurer and shall succeed the Treasurer upon expiration of the Treasurer’s term of office. The Treasurer-Elect shall perform such other duties as the President or the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.

Directors.  Each Director shall perform such duties as the President or Board of Directors may from time to time direct.  Each Director will serve on at least two committees, which are supervised by at least one Officer.  Directors are primarily responsible for the organization of events, from Judicial Jamboree to the monthly luncheon, from happy hours to family events.