2020 Census Project

Instructional Video and Supporting Materials

With assistance of a generous grant from the Texas Bar Foundation, SAYLA has produced an educational video for Texas students about the 2020 Census, its Constitutional foundations, and its impact on their communities.
The content of the video satisfies TEKS teaching requirements in grades 1-12 in social studies, government, U.S. history, and good citizenship. The video is recommended for students in grades 5-12, but may be adapted for younger audiences.  Click HERE to download the list of TEKS satisfied by this video for grades 1-12.



The video is divided into three parts:

Part I: Constitutional Foundations of the Census
Part II: The Importance of the Census in 2020
Part III: How do We Make Sure Everyone is Counted?

If you cannot access the video via YouTube, you can download the video HERE via sayla.org.

Supporting Materials for Educators:

1.  Review Sheet & Coloring Activity:  pdf

2.  Sample Quiz & Essay Questions:  pdf word

3.  TEKS Standards Satisfied: pdf

4.  Video Download: mp4


Press Release, October 2019